1. 1〔手に取る〕pick up
    • 受話器を取り上げる
    • pick up the receiver
  1. 2〔採用する〕take up; adopt
    • こういったトピックも時には取り上げてほしい
    • I wish you would 「take up [select] such topics once in a while.
    • 彼らの提案は全く取り上げられなかった
    • Their proposal wasgiven no consideration [totally ignored].
  1. 3〔没収する〕take away;〔職権で〕confiscate
    • 先生は生徒の漫画の本を取り上げた
    • The teacher 「took away [confiscated] the student's comic book.
    • 彼は弁護士の資格を取り上げられた
    • He wasdisqualified as a lawyer [disbarred].
    • ひき逃げ事件を起こして運転免許を取り上げられた
    • Because he hit someone with his car and fled the scene, 「he had his driver's license revoked [he lost his driver's license].
  1. 4〔赤ん坊を〕
    • 看護師が赤ちゃんを取り上げた
    • A nurse delivered the child.

