同様の the same ((as));similar ((to))

    • 同様の事件
    • a similar incident
    • 病状は昨日と同様である
    • His condition is the same as (it was) yesterday.
    • 彼は変人同様だと思われている
    • People think him little better than an eccentric.
    • 父は私を勘当したも同様だ
    • My father as good as disinherited me.
    • 兄はスポーツを好まず,私も同様だった
    • My brother did not like sports, and neither did I.
    • この機械はそちらのと同様にボタン一つで操作できる
    • This machine is operated by pushing a button, 「in the same way as [just like] that one.
    • 同様に彼も虚弱だった
    • He was delicate, too.
    • 彼は犬を子供同様に扱う
    • He treats his dog like [as if it were] his child.
    • 彼はすべての人を同様に扱う
    • He treats everyone alike.
    • 彼は貧乏人にも金持ちにも同様に親切だ
    • He is equally kind to the rich and the poor.
    • 父は子供に厳格であった.母も同様に厳しかった
    • My father was very strict with us children. So was my mother.
    • 彼と同様(に)私もそのことは知らなかった
    • I knew no more about it than he did.
    • あなたと同様(に)私もその計画には気乗りがしない
    • I like the plan no better than you do.

