1. I
  1. 1どのう(土嚢)
  1. 2〔相撲の〕the (sumo) ring
    • 土俵上で
    • in the ring
  1. II〔話し合いなどの場〕
    • 話し合いを土俵に戻す
    • start negotiations all over again
    • ようやく両者が同じ土俵に上がった
    • The two parties got together at the negotiating table at last.
    • 彼とは同じ土俵で相撲をとっていないことが分かった
    • It turned out that he and I had been discussing 「different things [entirely different aspects of the problem].
    • 横綱は土俵を割った
    • The grand champion was pushed out of the ring.
    • 彼にまくしたてられて土俵を割った
    • 「In the face of [Confronted with] his verbal barrage, I gave in.
  1. 土俵入りa sumo wrestler's ceremonial entrance into the ring
  1. 土俵際土俵際で at the edge of the ring;〔土壇場で〕at the last moment
    • 土俵際でふんばる
    • 〔相撲で〕withstand one's opponent's charge at the edge of the ring/〔比ゆ的に〕 《口》 hang on
    • 我が社は土俵際で倒産を免れた
    • Our company narrowly escaped bankruptcy.

