1. 1〔近付ける〕let ((a person)) come near;〔ある方向に動かす〕move ((a thing)) to;〔引き寄せる〕draw up
    • あんな乱暴者を寄せるな
    • Keep ruffians like that away from here.
    • 机を隅に寄せなさい
    • Move the desk into the corner.
    • おもちゃを脇へ寄せ彼の座る場所を作った
    • I moved the toys aside and made room for him to sit down.
    • ベッドのそばにいすを寄せた
    • He drew up a chair beside my bed.
    • 車をポーチに寄せた
    • He pulled his car up to the porch.
    • 彼らは額を寄せて話し合っていた
    • They were talking with their heads together.
  1. 2〔集める〕
    • 枯れ葉を寄せて火を付けた
    • I raked up the dead leaves and burned them.
    • 額にしわを寄せる
    • knit one's brow(s)/frown
  1. 3〔加える〕add
    • 2と5を寄せれば7
    • Two plus five is [equals] seven./Two and five make [are] seven.
  1. 4〔送る,贈る〕send
    • 多くの励ましの手紙が寄せられた
    • He received many letters of encouragement./Many letters of encouragement were sent to him.
    • 投稿をお寄せください
    • We welcome your contributions.
    • 母に寄せる歌
    • a poem to my mother
    • 春によせて
    • 〔題名〕“To Spring”
  1. 5〔波などが〕wash [dash] ((against));〔大波が〕surge ((against));〔敵などが近付く〕march on
    • 敵が寄せてきた
    • The enemy marched [advanced] on us.
    • 寄せ来る敵
    • 「a surging mass [a wave] of enemy soldiers
  1. 6〔頼る〕
    • 彼は伯父の家に身を寄せた
    • He 「went to live with [became dependent on] his uncle.
    • 身を寄せる所がない
    • I have 「no place to go to [no one to turn to].
  1. 7〔訪問する〕call on ((a person));drop in ((at a place, on a person))
    • また寄せていただきます
    • I will drop in again./Let me call on you again.
  1. 8〔かこつける〕
    • 他人のことに寄せて皮肉を言う
    • make sarcastic remarks under the pretense of talking about someone else
  1. 9〔思いなどを〕
    • 彼女は彼に心を寄せていたらしい
    • She seems to have been attracted by him.
    • 彼女に思いを寄せた
    • He fell in love with her./He took a fancy to her.
    • 信頼を寄せていた秘書に裏切られた
    • I was betrayed by a secretary I had put my trust in.
    • 彼女に多くの同情が寄せられた
    • Many people sent her their sympathy.

