1. 1〔報告する〕report ((something to a person; that));〔正式な通知を出す〕notify ((a person of [that]))
    • 盗難を警察に届ける
    • report a theft to the police
    • 住所の変更を郵便局に届けた
    • He notified the post office of his change of address.
  1. 2〔送り届ける〕send;〔配達する〕deliver
    • 彼は彼女に花束を届けた
    • He sent her a bouquet of flowers.
    • 牛乳を2本毎朝届けてください
    • Please deliver two bottles of milk every morning.
    • 都内一円無料でお届けします
    • We will deliver free of charge if the address is within the metropolitan area.
    • 拾った金を交番に届けた
    • I took the money I had found to the police box.

