1. I〔暴風雨〕a storm
    • 砂嵐
    • a sandstorm
    • 嵐が来そうだ
    • It looks like a storm./A storm is rising.
    • 嵐が吹き荒れている
    • A storm is raging.
    • 嵐がおさまった
    • The storm has subsided [blown over].
    • スキーの一行は嵐に巻き込まれた
    • 〔襲われた〕The skiing party was caught in the storm./〔動けなくなった〕The skiing party was stranded by the storm.
    • 嵐の夜
    • a stormy night
    • 嵐のような拍手
    • a storm of applause
  1. II〔もめ事,困難〕a difficulty, (a) trouble
    • 我が家を襲った嵐を協力して乗り切ろう
    • Let's join hands in overcoming the difficulties [trouble] facing [confronting/《文》 besetting] our family.
    • その事件は党内に嵐を呼んだ
    • The incident caused an uproar in the party.
  1. 嵐の前の静けさthe lull before the storm

