1. a storehouse [warehouse] (with thick, fireproof walls to protect valuable items from theft and natural disasters)(▼storehouseは抽象的な意味にも使われる);〔地下の〕a cellar;〔穀物の〕a granary
    • 酒蔵
    • a wine cellar
    • 米蔵
    • a rice granarya storehouse for rice
    • 骨董こっとう品を蔵にしまっている
    • He keeps his curios in the treasure house.
  1. 蔵が建つget rich
    • 今では蔵が建つほどだ
    • He has become fabulously rich./《口》 He is rolling in money [《俗》 dough] now.
  1. 蔵払い蔵払い
  1. 蔵主the owner of a warehouse
  1. しょぞう(所蔵)
    • 藤原家蔵の古文書
    • old documents 「belonging to [which are the property of] the Fujiwara family
    • 個人蔵の
    • privately owned

