1. 1〔同情〕sympathy ((for));〔憐み〕pity
    • 彼は焼け出された家族に情けを示した
    • He showed sympathy [compassion] for the burnt-out family./He took pity on the family whose home had been destroyed by fire.
    • 彼には情けなどというものはない
    • He has no heart [tenderness in him].
    • どうかお情けを
    • Please have mercy on me.
    • お情けですからそっとしておいてください
    • For pity's [mercy's] sake, please let [leave] me alone.
    • お情けで社長さんに会わせてもらった
    • They were kind [good] enough to let me see the president.
    • 出来ない学生をお情けでパスさせた
    • I passed the hopeless student out of pity.
  1. 2〔慈善〕
    • 彼は近所の人々の情けで暮らしていた
    • He lived on the charity of his neighbors.
  1. 3〔男女の愛〕love
    • 二人は情けを交わす仲となった
    • They became lovers.
    • 店主はきれいな女子店員に情けをかけた
    • 〔寵愛ちょうあいした〕The storekeeper made a favorite of the pretty salesgirl.
  1. 情けは人のためならずOne who is kind to others is sure to be rewarded.
    • 情け知らずの仕打ちを受けた
    • I received heartless [cruel] treatment./I was treated harshly.
    • 情け容赦もない
    • pitiless/merciless
    • 彼は情け容赦もなく少年を打った
    • He beat the boy 「without mercy [mercilessly].
  1. 情けを売るbe kind to others (out of ulterior motives)
    • 彼から情けを掛けてもらおうとは思わない
    • I have no intention of asking him for mercy.

