- (a) deep emotion;〔強い印象〕a strong impression
感激する be moved; be touched
- 彼らの親切に感激した
- I was deeply moved [touched] by their kindness.
- 世界平和を訴える彼の演説は聴衆を感激させた
- His speech advocating world peace 「moved the hearts of [deeply impressed] the audience.
- 感激しやすいたちだ
- He is easily excited./He gets excited easily.
- ノーベル賞受賞決定の瞬間が感激も新たに彼の心によみがえった
- He recalled with renewed emotion the moment he learned he had won the Nobel Prize.
- 初めて見たシェークスピアの芝居に感激して彼は俳優になろうと決心した
- Inspired by the first Shakespearean play he had ever seen, he decided to become an actor.
- 感激的な
- 〔感動的な〕moving/touching/〔印象的な〕impressive/〔劇的な〕dramatic
- 感激的な場面
- a dramatic [moving] scene