1. 1〔捕らえられる〕be caught;〔逮捕される〕be arrested
    • 少年2人が万引きで捕まった
    • Two boys were taken into custody for shoplifting.
    • 追っ手に捕まった
    • He was caught by his pursuers.
    • 20キロオーバーで捕まった
    • I got caught going 20 kilometers over the speed limit.
    • 逃げたライオンはまだ捕まらない
    • The escaped lion is still loose [at large].
  1. 2〔引き留められる〕
    • 彼女の所へ行くと捕まってなかなか帰れないよ
    • When you (go to) visit her, it's really hard to get away.
    • あの人に捕まると嫌だから別の道を行こう
    • I will take another way so that I won't get caught by him.
  1. 3〔見つかる〕
    • この時間はタクシーがなかなか捕まらない
    • It's hard to get [catch/flag down] a taxi at this time of day.
    • 彼は多忙なのでいつ訪ねても捕まらない
    • He's so busy that you can't ever catch him in.

