1. 1〔順序〕order
    • 式の次第
    • theorder of [program for] the ceremony
  1. 2〔事情〕circumstances
    • 次第によっては
    • depending on the circumstances
    • こういう次第です
    • This is how it happened.
    • そのような次第ですから行かれません
    • And so [《文》 Such being the case,] I cannot go.
    • 事と次第によっては私が直接出向かなければなるまい
    • Depending on how the situation develops, I may have to go myself.
    • お恥ずかしい次第です
    • I'm most embarrassed.
  1. 3〔成り行きにまかせること〕
    • 言いなり次第になる
    • be at another's 「beck and call [bidding]/do whatever one is told
    • 手当り次第に物を投げる
    • throw whatever 「is handy [one can get one's hands on]
  1. 4〔それによって決まる様子〕
    • 努力次第で成功します
    • Whether you succeed or not depends on your effort.
    • お天気次第でどこへ行くか決めよう
    • We'll decide where to go after we see what the weather's like.
    • 決めるのは君次第だ
    • It is up to you to decide./The decision rests with you.
  1. 5〔…するや否や〕
    • 計画が立ち次第実行することにしよう
    • Let's put the plan into action as soon as it's drawn up.
    • 品物が着き次第送金します
    • I will send the money on receipt of the goods.
    • ご都合がおつきになり次第いらして下さい
    • Please come to see me as soon as you can.
    • 都合がつき次第お訪ねします
    • I will call on you at the first opportunity.

