Seibo is the yearend gift-giving season, and may also refer to the gifts themselves. At the end of the year, it is the custom to give gifts to people with whom one has a relationship, such as relatives, bosses, customers and friends. Each gift expresses appreciation for the help received during the past year and acknowledges a continuing relationship, although it cannot be denied that the practice has become a formalized one. There is one other similar gift-giving season called chugen, which falls in the summer. 意訳:年の暮れに贈り物をすること.またはその贈り物を指す.親戚,上司,取引先,友人などに贈ることで1年間お世話になったことを感謝し,翌年も引き続きよろしくというあいさつを込めたものである.しかし,一種の儀礼的行事となっている感も否めない.また夏にも中元という同様な贈答の慣習がある