1. 1〔後に置いておく〕leave
    • 彼は妻と二人の幼い子供を残して死んだ
    • He died, leaving his wife and two small children (behind).
    • 残された家族
    • 《文》 the bereaved family
    • あなたにこの包みを置いて行きました
    • He left this package for you.
    • 彼は財産の半分を次男に残した
    • He left half his property to his second son.
    • 妻子を故郷に残して東京に出た
    • He left his wife and children in his hometown and went to Tokyo.
    • 彼の留守電にメッセージを残した
    • I left a message on his answering machine.
  1. 2〔後に留める〕
    • 先生は罰として二人の生徒を残した
    • The teacher kept two children (in detention) after school as punishment.
  1. 3〔済んでいない〕
    • まだ問題が2,・3残されている
    • We have a few more problems to solve.
  1. 4〔後世に伝える〕leave; hand down
    • 偉大な音楽家として名を残した
    • He left behind a reputation as a great musician.
    • 戦争の悲惨さを物語る記録を後世に残す
    • hand down to posterity records describing the misery of war
  1. 5〔余らす〕leave;〔とっておく,金をためる〕save
    • 総会まであと1週間を残すのみとなった
    • We have only one week left before the general meeting.
    • 仕事を明日に残しておこう
    • I will leave part of the work for tomorrow.
    • 何も残す余裕がない
    • I have nothing to spare.
    • 老後のために金を残した
    • He saved money for his old age.
    • 紙を1枚も残さず使ってしまった
    • I used up all the paper down to the last sheet.
    • 10万円のうち3万円残して後は本を買った
    • He set aside 30,000 yen out of the 100,000 yen, and spent the remainder on books.
    • 夕食に遅れるけれど少し残しておいてね
    • I'll be late for dinner, but leave me something to eat.
    • 食事を残してしまった
    • I didn't eat all 「my meal [〔洋食で〕the food on my plate]./I left some food uneaten.
  1. 6〔相撲で〕hold on
    • 土俵際で辛うじて残した
    • The sumo wrestler managed to 「hold on [resist being pushed out] at the edge of the ring.

