- 1〔満ち足りること〕satisfaction;〔不満でないこと〕content(ment);〔自己満足〕complacency, complacence
満足する be satisfied ((with));be pleased [content] ((with))
- これで満足したか
- Are you satisfied now?
- 両親は息子の成功に満足している
- The parents are pleased with their son's success.
- 私は現状に満足している
- I am content(ed) with things as they are.
- その経験は彼女の好奇心を満足させた
- That experience gratified her curiosity.
- 2〔十分であること〕
- 研究に満足な結果を得た
- I obtained satisfactory results in my research.
- 子供たちに満足な食べ物も与えられなかった
- They were unable even to provide their children with sufficient food.
- 満足な理由もなしに学校を休んではいけない
- You must not miss school without a good reason.
- 手紙も満足に書けない
- She does not even know how to write a letter properly.
- 3〔完全であること〕
- 五体満足な子を生んだ
- She gave birth to a healthy [(physically) normal] baby.
- 発掘物はみな満足な状態であった
- The excavated items were all in perfect [good] condition.
- うちには満足な紅茶セットがない
- We have no (one) complete tea set.
- 満足感(a sense of) satisfaction; (a feeling of) fulfillment [contentment]