Manzai is a type of stand-up comedy where two performers hold a comic dialogue in front of an audience. The comedy duo consists of two distinct roles: the boke, or fool, and the tsukkomi, or straight common-sense man. Funny social and political satires related to newsworthy goings-on of the day are among the favorite subjects of manzai. Kamigata manzai, characterized by rapid-fire dialogue in the Osaka dialect, is popular with both young and old. These comics acts can be enjoyed at vaudeville-type theaters, as well as on radio and TV. 意訳:二人一組の芸人が問答を通じて客を笑わせる話芸.とぼけた滑稽な役を「ボケ」,常識人として話を進める役を「ツッコミ」と言い,立って演じる.題材は主に社会風刺で,現代のことを話題にする.上方漫才は方言をふんだんに取り入れ,またテンポのよさで年代を問わず人気がある.テレビ,ラジオでも演じられている
漫才師(one of) a pair of stand-up comedians; (one of) a stand-up comedy team