1. 〔不足部分を補うこと〕supplementing, filling a vacancy;〔人〕a substitute,《米》 an alternate
    • 彼は高校の補欠合格者の中に入っていた
    • He was placed on the waiting list by the high school admissions office.
    • 彼はジョンの補欠で試合に出た
    • He played in the game 「as John's substitute [in place of John].
    • 今年は5名が補欠入学した
    • This year five students from the waiting list were admitted to our school to fill vacancies.
  1. 補欠選手a substitute (player), a replacement for a regular player,《米》 an alternate;〔控えの選手〕a benchwarmer
  1. 補欠選挙補欠選挙
  1. 補欠募集recruiting ((students)) to fill vacancies; an invitation to apply for places left unfilled
  2. 補欠募集補欠募集する invite applications to fill vacancies

