1. 1〔不十分な〕
    • お金が足りなくなりそうだ
    • We may run short of money.
    • お金が1万円足りない
    • I am ten thousand yen short.
    • 最近商店では人手が足りない
    • These days stores 「are short-handed [are short of help].
    • 1か月に3日足りない
    • It is three days short of a month.
    • 規定の年齢に2か月足りない
    • I am two months under the required age.
    • これでは足代にも足りない
    • This will not cover even the transportation expenses.
    • これではコーヒー代にも足りない
    • This is not enough for even a cup of coffee./One can't even buy a cup of coffee with this.
    • いすが2脚足りない
    • We need two more chairs.
    • 数学の力が足りない
    • I am 「weak in [poor at] mathematics.
    • 君は経験が足りない
    • You don't have enough experience./you lack (the necessary) experience.
    • 互いに足りないところを補ってやっていこう
    • Let's work together, each of us making up for what the other lacks.
  1. 2〔鈍い〕dull;〔愚かな〕stupid

