1. 1〔道の半ば〕途中で on the way; on one's way ((to));〔中途で〕halfway;〔途中に〕along the way
    • 仕事に行く[家へ帰る]途中で彼に出会った
    • I met him on my wayto work [home].
    • 途中彼の家に寄って来る
    • I will drop in at his house on the way.
    • 雨が降り出したので途中で引き返した
    • It began to rain, and so we turned back halfway.
    • 母は途中まで見送ってくれた
    • My mother came part of the way to see me off.
    • 途中には美しい花が咲いていた
    • There were beautiful flowers along the way.
  1. 2〔事の半ば〕
    • 途中で計画をあきらめる
    • give up one's plan halfway
    • 会議の途中で電話に呼び出された
    • I was called to the phone in the middle of the meeting.
    • お話の途中ですがそろそろおいとまをしなければ
    • Excuse me for interrupting, but I must be going now.
    • 試合の途中経過をお伝えします
    • 「Here are [And now for] 「the scores of games [reports on matches] still in progress.
  1. 途中計時〔計時すること〕timing the various stages of a race;〔計時された時間〕one's time at a certain point in a race
  1. 途中下車a stopover
  2. 途中下車途中下車する stop over
    • この切符で途中下車できますか
    • Does this ticket allow me to make a stopover?
    • 途中下車前途無効
    • No stopovers are allowed on [with] this ticket.

