1. 1〔前進させる〕
    • 将軍は兵を国境まで進めた
    • 「The general led the army [The general's troops advanced] to the frontier.
    • 彼は(将棋の)歩を進めた
    • He moved the pawn forward.
    • 車をこの線まで進めて下さい
    • Move the car up to this line.
  1. 2〔進展させる〕
    • 彼は交渉を進めた
    • He proceeded [went ahead] with the negotiations.
    • この計画を進めてください
    • Please go on [ahead] with this plan./Please carry this program forward.
    • 新工法は工事を進めるのに役立った
    • The new technique in engineering served to speed up the construction work.
    • この縁談を進めていいね
    • Then it's all right to 「act on [go ahead with/proceed with] this suggestion for a match?
  1. 3〔昇進させる〕
    • 功績により彼は位一級を進められた
    • On account of his distinguished service, he was promoted one grade in rank.
  1. 4〔食欲を盛んにする〕
    • この調味料は食欲を進める
    • This seasoning stimulates the appetite.
  1. 5〔時刻を早くする〕
    • 時計を5分進めた
    • I set the clock five minutes early./I put [moved] the clock forward [ahead] by five minutes.
  1. 6〔程度を高める〕
    • もう一歩進めて考えてみなさい
    • Go a step further in your thinking.

