1. I〔運搬する〕carry,《文》 convey;〔輸送する〕transport(▼conveyとtransportは運んで先方に渡すまでを言う) ⇒うんそう(運送)ゆそう(輸送)
    • ピアノを家の中に運び込む
    • carry [move] a piano into the house
    • テーブルを部屋から運び出す
    • carry a table out of the room
    • 次の駅へ乗客を運ぶ
    • transport passengers to the next station
    • けが人を急いで病院に運んだ
    • The injured man was rushed to the hospital.
    • 飛行機[船]でその機械を運んだ
    • The machine was transported [hauled] by air [sea].
    • テーブルをここに運んできてくれ
    • Bring the table over here.
  1. II
  1. 1〔物事が進む〕progress; make progress
    • 仕事は順調に運んでいる
    • The work is making satisfactory progress.
    • 万事滞りなく運んでいる
    • Everything is going very smoothly [well].
    • 事はそこまで運んでいない
    • It has not reached that stage yet.
  1. 2〔事を進める〕
    • 彼女はいつも自分に都合のよいように事を運ぶ
    • She always proceeds with things to suit her own convenience.
    • 試合をうまく運ぶ
    • control the pace of a game [match]
  1. 3〔動かし進める〕
    • 筆を運ぶ
    • write with a brush
  1. 足を運ぶgo [come] ((to))
    • 隣町に足を運ぶ
    • go to a neighboring town

