1. I
  1. 1〔総称,および石材〕stone;〔石ころ〕a stone,《米》 a rock;〔小石〕a pebble
    • 石を切り出す
    • quarry stone
    • 石を割る
    • break stones
    • 石を磨く
    • dress stone
    • 石になる
    • turn to stone/petrify
    • 石につまずいて転んだ
    • I 「tripped over [stumbled on] a stone and fell down.
    • ほら穴の戸は一枚の石であった
    • The door to the cave was a huge slab of stone.
    • 石の多い小道
    • a stony path
    • 少年はその光景を前に石のように固くなって立ちすくんだ
    • The boy was petrified at the sight.
    • 仏の姿が石に彫られている
    • Images of (the) Buddha are carved in [on] the rocks.
  1. 2〔宝石〕a jewel, a precious stone;〔ライターの〕a flint
    • この時計には石が17個入っている
    • This watch is fitted with seventeen jewels.
  1. 3〔碁石〕a go stone [piece]
  1. 4〔胆石〕a gallstone;〔膀胱ぼうこうの〕a bladder stone
  1. 5〔じゃん拳の〕a stone, a fist
  1. II〔無情・頑固のたとえ〕
    • あの男は石のような心を持っている
    • He has 「a heart of stone [a stony heart/a flinty heart].
    • 石のように頑固だ
    • He is extremely obstinate [stubborn.]
    • 石にかじりついてもこの仕事はやりとげてみせる
    • I will see this job through to the end 「at any cost [no matter what].
    • 石に矢の立つためしもある
    • ((諺)) Where there is a will, there is a way.
  1. 石の上にも三年((諺)) Perseverance prevails./Patience wins the day.
    • あいつは石頭だ
    • 〔硬い頭〕He has a hard head./〔頑固〕He is 「very obstinate [hard-headed].
  1. 石垣〔塀〕a stone [rock] wall [fence]
  1. 石切り工a stonecutter
  1. 石切り場a quarry; a stone pit
  1. 石工a stone mason
  1. 石けり石けりをする play hopscotch
  1. 石細工masonry
  1. 石畳a stone pavement [floor]
  1. 石段(a flight of) stone steps
  1. 石造りせきぞう(石造)
  1. 石灯籠どうろうa stone lantern
  1. 石橋石橋
  1. 石仏〔仏像〕a stone image of (the) Buddha;〔石のように冷たい人〕a man with a stony heart
  1. 石屋〔石材を商う人〕a stone dealer;〔石工〕a stone mason
  1. 石山〔石の多い〕a stony mountain
  1. いしゃ(医者)
  1. 医師会a medical association
  1. 医師国家試験the National Examination for Medical Practitioners
  1. 医師法the Medical Practitioners' Law; the Medical Act
  1. 医師免許状a medical license [《英》 licence]; a license to practice medicine
  1. 医師優遇税制tax privileges for medical practitioners
  1. (a) will ((to do));《文》 volition
    • 意志の強い[弱い]人
    • a 「strong-willed [weak-willed] person/a person 「with a great deal of will power [without much will power]
    • 彼は不屈の意志を持っている
    • He has an iron [indomitable] will.
    • 彼女は自分の意志でこの計画に参加した
    • She took part in this enterprise of her own 「free will [volition]./She volunteered to take part in this enterprise.
    • 意志に反してそれをせざるを得なかった
    • I was forced to do it against my will.
    • 疲れきっていたが意志の力で目的地にたどり着いた
    • Though I was exhausted, I made it to my destination by sheer will power.
    • 彼女はいつも自分の意志を通した
    • She always stuck things out./She never quit halfway.
    • 彼の辞任の意志は固い
    • He is determined to resign.
  1. 意志決定decision-making
    • 意志決定者
    • a decision-maker
  1. 意志薄弱(a) lack of will power
  1. 〔考え〕a mind ((to do));〔心づもり〕(an) intention ((of; to do));〔望み〕(a) wish ((for; to do; that))
    • 意思が通じる[疎通する]
    • come to an understanding/understand each other
    • 意思を変える
    • change one's mind
    • 私は教師になる意思は毛頭ない
    • I do not have the slightest intention of becoming a teacher.
    • 両者の意思の疎通を欠いたためその計画は挫折した
    • Through a lack of understanding between the two parties, the project fell through.
    • 彼は両親の意思に背いて結婚した
    • He married against his parents' wishes.
    • 彼は他人の意思に従ってばかりいる
    • He always defers to other people's wishes./He always bows to the wishes of others./〔言いなりになる〕He is always at the beck and call of other people.
  1. 意思表示an expression [indication] of one's intentions;〔法律用語〕a declaration of intent
  2. 意思表示意思表示する indicate [express; declare] one's intentions
    • 父の遺志により
    • in conformity with the wishes of one's deceased father/according to one's father's 「last wishes [dying wish]

    縊死する hang oneself


