1. いきおい(勢い)
  1. 1〔威力〕authority;〔勢力〕power, influence
    • 威勢を誇示する
    • make a show of one's power
  1. 2〔元気〕spirits

    威勢よく in high spirits

    • 威勢のよい青年
    • a high-spirited [dashing] young man
    • 威勢をつけて出掛けた
    • We plucked up our spirits and set out.
    • 威勢のいいことを言っているが内心びくびくだ
    • He is really quaking inside in spite of his big talk.
    • 彼らの威勢に圧倒された
    • I was overwhelmed by their forcefulness [energy].
  1. governing; administering ⇒せいじ(政治)
  1. 為政者〔統治者〕a ruler;〔行政官〕an administrator;〔政治家〕a statesman
  1. the opposite [other] sex
    • 異性の人
    • a person of the opposite sex
    • 異性を知る
    • have one's first sexual experience
    • 異性関係を持つ
    • have relations with the opposite sex
    • 異性にもてる
    • be popular with 「the opposite sex [men/women]
    • 彼[彼女]は異性を意識しすぎだ
    • He [She] is too conscious [aware] of the opposite sex.
  1. 異性愛heterosexuality
  2. 異性愛異性愛の heterosexual; straight(▼差別的と取られることもある)
  1. 異性愛者a heterosexual (person); a person with normal sexual tastes; a straight person(▼後の二つは差別的と取られることがある)
  1. (an) involuntary ejaculation;〔医学用語〕spermatorrh(o)ea ⇒むせい(夢精)
  1. 1〔基準となる地点を含む〕in [at] and (to the) west of ((a place));in [at] ((a place)) and (the area) further west
    • あの漫才コンビは大阪以西で今人気上昇中だ
    • The popularity of that stand-up comedy team is currently on the rise in and (to the) west of Osaka.(▼大阪を含む)
  1. 2〔基準となる地点を含まない〕(in [at] the area)(to the) west of ((a place))
    • 箱根以西では大雨の恐れがある
    • Heavy rain is forecast (in the area) west of Hakone.(▼箱根を含まない)

