1. an alien substance; a foreign body
    • X線写真では胃の中に異物が認められた
    • An X-ray photo showed a foreign body in the stomach.
  1. 異物摘出器a protractor
  1. I
  1. 1〔歴史上・考古学上の〕a relic (of the past); remains(▼relicは道具など,remainsは建造物など)
    • 石器時代の遺物
    • a relic from the Stone Age
  1. 2〔遺品〕an article left by a deceased person;〔形見〕a memento ((複 ~(e)s))
    • 祖先の遺物
    • the mementos [relics] of the family's ancestors
  1. II〔古めかしい人・物〕
    • 彼は前世紀の遺物だ
    • He is quite amuseum piece [dinosaur]./He has outlived his time./He is a relic from the last century.

