1. 〔十二支の一つ〕the Ox (the second of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac);〔時刻〕the hour of the Ox (2:00 a.m. or the hours between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.);〔方角〕north-northeast
    • 丑の刻参り
    • a visit to a shrine [temple] in the dead of night to 「pray for a person's death [lay a curse on a person]
  1. 丑年the year of the Ox
  1. 丑の日the day of the Ox;〔土用の〕the hottest day of the summer
  1. 丑三つ時〔真夜中〕 ((in)) the dead of night
  1. 〔雌牛〕a cow;〔雄牛〕a bull;〔労役用の去勢雄牛〕an ox ((複 oxen));〔子を産んだことのない若い雌牛〕a heifer [héfər];〔子牛〕a calf ((複 calves));〔総称〕cattle
    • 20頭の牛
    • twenty cows
    • うちの牛は間もなく子を産む
    • Our cow will calve soon.
    • 牛を飼う
    • raise cattle
  1. 牛に引かれて善光寺参りbe led into doing good by chance; get involved ((in something)) in spite of oneself
    • あの人の仕事ときたら牛の歩みだ
    • He works at a snail's pace.
  1. 牛は牛連れ,馬は馬連れBirds of a feather flock together.
  1. 牛を馬に乗り換えるchange for the better
  1. 牛飼い[追い]a cowherd;《米》 a cowboy
  1. 牛海綿状脳症bovine spongiform encephalopathy ((略 BSE));〔狂牛病〕 《口》 mad cow disease
  1. 牛小屋a cowshed
    • cow《雌牛》
    • bull《雄牛》
    • ox《去勢牛》
    • cattle《集合的に》

