Unagi no kabayaki refers to skewered fillets of eel, dipped in sweetened soy sauce and grilled over an open flame. The eels are prepared in slightly different ways in the eastern and western parts of Japan. While this is a year-round dish, many Japanese people eat the very nutritious unagi-no-kabayaki in mid-summer (especially on the day in late July called doyo no ushi no hi) to sustain their energy during the physically draining, extremely humid Japanese summer. 意訳:うなぎを開いて骨をとり,適当な長さに切って串に刺し,たれをつけて焼いたもの.料理法は日本の東と西で若干異なる.一年中食べられるが,特に土用の丑の日に夏のスタミナ食として食べる人が多い