1. 1〔動物一般の〕a tail
    • リス[きつね]の尾
    • a squirrel's [fox's] tail [brush]
    • 鹿[うさぎ]の尾
    • a deer's [rabbit's] tail [scut](▼scutは短い尾)
    • くじゃくの尾
    • a peacock's tail [train]
    • 尾のない
    • tailless
    • 犬が尾を振った
    • The dog wagged its tail.
    • 馬がひゅっと尾を振った
    • The horse swished its tail.
    • 犬は尾を垂れて主人に付いて行った
    • The dog followed its master with its tail hanging [drooping].
  1. 2〔彗星などの〕a tail
    • ほうき星の尾
    • the tail [train/trail] of a comet
    • ジェット機が長く尾を引いた
    • The jet left a long tail behind it.
  1. 3〔山のすそ〕the slope at the foot of a mountain
    • 両家の争いはまだ尾を引いている
    • The antagonism between the two families is still having a lingering effect.
  1. 1〔ひも〕a cord;〔靴の革ひも〕a thong
  1. 2〔げたの〕a clog cord
    • げたの緒が切れた
    • The cord on one of my clogs broke.
  1. 3〔楽器の弦〕a string

