1. 1〔姿を映す道具〕a mirror
    • 手鏡
    • a hand mirror
    • 鏡に自分を映してみた
    • He looked at himself in a mirror.
    • 時計が鏡に映っていた
    • The clock was reflected in the mirror.
    • 合わせ鏡をする
    • use two mirrors, one in front and one at the back
  1. 2〔能〕the panel at the back of the Noh stage which is painted with an old pine tree
  1. 3〔たるのふた〕a barrelhead
    • 鏡を抜く
    • open a barrel
  1. 鏡板a panel
  1. 鏡立てa mirror stand
  1. a paragon; a model; an example ((of))
    • 彼の善行は世の鑑となった
    • His good conduct set an example for [《英》 to] the world.

