1. (a) supposition;〔仮説〕a hypothesis ((複 -ses));〔数学で〕an assumption, a postulate

    仮定する suppose ((that));〔数学で〕assume ((that))

    仮定的 hypothetical; hypothetic

    • それが事実と仮定してみよう
    • Let us suppose (that) it is true.
    • 今,大地震が起きたと仮定したらまずどうしますか
    • Suppose a great earthquake occurred right now. What would you do first?
    • AとBが等しいと仮定せよ
    • Let A equal B./Suppose A equals B.
    • それはあくまでも仮定に過ぎない
    • It is a mere hypothesis./That is just an assumption.
    • 彼がやったと仮定しても証拠は一つもない
    • Even if we assume (that) he did it, there is not a speck of evidence.
  1. 仮定法〔文法で〕the subjunctive mood
  1. a home, a family;〔世帯〕a household
    • 母子[父子]家庭
    • a fatherless [motherless] family
    • 家庭の崩壊
    • 〔一家庭の〕the collapse of a family/〔家庭制度の〕the collapse [disintegration] of the family (system)
    • 家庭の不和
    • domestic discord
    • 裕福な家庭に生まれた
    • He was born into a well-to-do family./He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
    • 彼女は家庭の事情で勤めを止めた
    • She gave up her job for family reasons.
    • 青少年の非行化は家庭の事情によることがしばしばある
    • Family [Domestic] conditions are often responsible for juvenile delinquency.
    • 家庭用の
    • for domestic [household] use
    • (女性が)家庭に入る
    • marry and become a housewife
    • 彼女は社交的ではなくむしろ家庭的だ
    • She is at her best in the home, not in social situations.
    • あのレストランの家庭的な雰囲気が好きだ
    • I like the homelike [homey/《英》 homely] atmosphere of that restaurant.
    • 彼は家庭的な人だ
    • He's a family-oriented man.
  1. 家庭医a family doctor [physician]
  1. 家庭科home economics
  1. 家庭着a housedress
  1. 家庭教育home training
  1. 家庭教師家庭教師
  1. 家庭経済household economy
    • 今日1日は家庭サービスをすることにした
    • I've decided 「to play the good family man today [to spend today with my family].
  1. 家庭菜園a kitchen garden
  1. 家庭裁判所a family court; a domestic relations court
  1. 家庭常備薬household medicine
  1. 家庭生活family [home] life
  1. 家庭争議a family dispute; domestic trouble
  1. 家庭内暴力violence within the family; domestic violence
  1. 家庭訪問a home visit ((by a teacher))
    • 家庭訪問をする
    • visit a pupil's home
  1. 家庭用品household articles [utensils]
  1. 家庭欄a column for homemakers
  1. 家庭料理home cooking
  1. a process
    • そのころ会社は発展の過程をたどっていた
    • In those days the company was going through the process of development.
    • 包装過程で何か手違いがあったらしい
    • There must have been some mistake during the packing process.
    • ここに至るまでの過程をたどってみよう
    • Let's look back upon how it has developed.
  1. a course;〔全課〕a curriculum ((複 ~s, -la))
    • 彼は高校の課程を終えた
    • He finished high school.
    • 修士課程を終了して博士課程へ進んだ
    • He completed the master's course and went on for a doctorate.

