可動の mov(e)able; mobile

  1. 可動起重機a mobile crane
  1. 可動橋a movable bridge
  1. (the art of) flower arrangement
    Kado, also known as ikebana, is the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement. Literally meaning “the way of flowers,” it was established as an art form during the Edo period. While it is estimated that there are some two thousand schools, or styles, of kado in Japan, Ikenobo, Ohararyu, and Sogetsuryu are considered the three most influential. Many students are trained in one of these schools under a hierarchial structure called the iemoto system. Often employing a minimalist approach, kado places a high value on spiritual aspects as well as on aesthetics.
  1. the art of tanka poetry
  1. 1〔稼ぎ,働くこと〕work
  1. 2〔機械が動くこと〕operation
  1. 稼働時間the number of hours worked;〔機械の〕hours of operation
  1. 稼働人口manpower; the work force
  1. 稼働率an operating rate; a utilization rate;〔ホテル・病院などの〕an occupancy rate
    • この町の救急車の稼働率は非常に高い
    • The rate at which ambulances are called for in this town is very high./Ambulances are called for very frequently in this town.
    • このビルの稼働率は大層低い
    • This building has a very low occupancy rate.

