1. the trachea [tréikiə|trəkíːə] ((複 ~s, -cheae [-kiìː|-kíːiː]));the windpipe

    気管の tracheal

  1. 気管支気管支
  1. 気管切開(a) tracheotomy
  1. a boiler
  1. 汽缶室a boiler room;〔汽船の〕a fireroom
  1. a wonderful [marvelous, 《英》 marvellous] sight
    • 天下の奇観
    • a natural wonder

    季刊の quarterly

  1. 季刊誌a quarterly (magazine)

    既刊の already [previously] published [issued]

    • 既刊書目
    • a list of (previously) published books/a list of books in print
  1. one's return (home);〔本国送還〕repatriation

    帰還する return (home); be repatriated

    • 彼は無言の帰還をした
    • He returned home dead.
    • 地球に無事帰還する
    • return to earth safely
  1. 帰還者a returnee;〔本国送還者〕a repatriate
    • 未帰還者
    • those who haven't returned
  1. 帰還不能限界点the point of no return
  1. 帰還兵a returned soldier
  1. a nucleus ((複 nuclei))
  1. 基幹産業key [basic] industries
  1. a period (of time);〔限定された期間〕a term
    • 期間を延長する
    • extend the time [period]
    • 一定の期間内に
    • within a fixed [certain/set] period of time
    • 一定の期間を定める
    • set a (certain) period of time ((for))
    • 彼が議長をつとめる期間は1年の予定だ
    • He is to serve as chair for a term of one year.
    • 大売出し期間中に出血サービスをする
    • There will be special bargains during the big sale.
    • この切符の有効期間はとっくに過ぎている
    • The validity of this ticket has long since expired.
  1. a flagship
  1. 旗艦店a flagship store [shop]
  1. an organ
    • 消化器官
    • the digestive organs
    • 発声器官
    • the speech organs
  1. 1〔機械を運転する装置〕an engine
    • 内燃機関
    • an internal combustion engine
    • 往復機関
    • a reciprocating engine
  1. 2〔組織〕a system, an organization;〔施設〕facilities
    • 教育機関
    • an educational institution
    • 行政機関
    • the administrative system
    • 交通機関
    • transportation facilities
    • 在外機関
    • an overseas agency [organization]
    • テレビは今や重要な報道機関である
    • Television is now an important information medium.
  1. 機関紙[誌]an official organ ((of a political party));a house organ; an in-house newsletter
    • 政党機関紙
    • a party (news)paper [organ]
  1. 機関士an engineer; an engine driver
  1. 機関室an engine room; a machinery room
  1. 機関車an engine; a locomotive
    • 電気機関車
    • an electric locomotive
  1. 機関長a chief engineer
  1. 機関投資家an institutional investor
    • organ(ization)《組織としての》
    • body《組織としての》
    • institution《組織としての》
    • engine《エンジン》

