1. a cylinder
    • 4[6]気筒エンジン
    • a 4-[6-]cylinder(ed) engine
  1. a prayer;〔食前の〕(a) grace;〔観行〕(one's) devotions(▼常に複数で)

    祈祷する pray; offer [say] a prayer; say grace

    • ひざまずいて祈祷する
    • kneel in prayer
    • 彼女は祈祷中だった
    • She was praying [saying her prayers/at her prayers].
  1. 祈祷会a prayer meeting
  1. 祈祷師a faith healer
  1. 祈祷者a person who is praying
  1. 祈祷書a prayer [service] book;〔カトリックの〕a breviary;〔英国国教の〕the Book of Common Prayer
  1. 祈祷堂[室]a chapel for prayer [devotions]; an oratory
  1. the glans ((複 glandes))
    • 陰茎[陰核]亀頭
    • the glans [head] of the penis [clitoris]

