1. an act of violence; an atrocious crime;〔殺人〕(a) murder
    • 男は女に復縁を迫ったが拒否されて凶行に及んだ
    • He committed thehorrible deed [atrocious crime/murder] after the woman refused to come back to him.
  1. 1〔恐れあわてること〕(a) panic;〔根拠のない社会的恐怖〕a scare
    • 恐慌状態にある
    • be in a state of panic/be panic-stricken
    • 堤防が決壊して沿岸の住民は恐慌状態に陥った
    • The bank collapsed and the people living along the river panicked [were seized with panic].
    • そのデマが人々を恐慌状態に陥れた
    • The groundless rumor caused a scare among the people.
  1. 2〔経済の混乱状態〕a depression; an economic panic
    • 株式恐慌
    • a stock market panic
    • 金融恐慌
    • a financial panic
    • 安定恐慌
    • a stabilization panic
    • (世界)大恐慌
    • the Great Depression
  1. the thoracic cavity

    強行する force; enforce

    • 増税を強行する
    • enforce a tax increase
    • 彼は無謀な計画を強行して命を失った
    • He met his death trying to push ahead with his wild scheme.
    • 合意が得られなければ組合は正午にストを強行するだろう
    • Unless an agreement is reached, the union will walk out at noon.
  1. 強行軍強行軍
  1. 強行採決steamrolling; railroading
    • 彼らはその法案を国会で強行採決した
    • They rammed [railroaded] the bill through the Diet.

    強硬な 〔頑固な〕strong;〔断固とした〕firm

    • 強硬な手段に訴えた
    • He took [resorted to] drastic [strong] measures.
    • 彼らはその提案に対して強硬な態度をとった
    • They took a firm [《口》 tough] stance against the proposal.
    • 私の意見に彼は強硬に反対した
    • He was firmly opposed to my view./He was dead (set) against my idea.
  1. 強硬策strong measures
  1. 強硬派〔主張を変えない人〕hard-liners;〔タカ派〕hawks
  1. 強硬路線((adopt)) a hard line

