1. a belch; a burp
    • げっぷが出た
    • I belched [burped].
    • げっぷを押さえる
    • stifle a belch
  1. 《米》 a monthly installment plan,《英》 a (monthly) hire-purchase system
    • 月賦で家具を買った
    • I bought furniture on the [a] monthly installment plan.
    • 毎月2万円ずつ6か月の月賦になる
    • That will be six monthly payments of 20,000 yen (each month).
    • 車の月賦を払う金がない
    • I don't have the money to pay the installment on the car.
  1. 月賦販売selling on the installment plan

