- 1〔活力のあること〕vigor,《英》 vigour; vitality; spirits
元気な(に) 〔活力に満ちた〕vigorous(ly);〔快活な〕cheerful(ly)
- 元気一杯の
- full of vitality [energy/《口》 pep]/in high [good] spirits
- 人を元気づける
- encourage a person/cheer a person up
- 母親を見ると男の子は急に元気づいた
- Seeing his mother, the boy suddenly perked up.
- お茶を飲むと元気がつくよ
- Have some tea and you'll feel better.
- コーヒー1杯で元気を回復して猛勉強を始めた
- Refreshed by a cup of coffee, I began to study very hard.
- 元気を出しなさい
- Cheer up!/《口》 Buck up!
- 彼は元気よく町のほうへ歩き出した
- He set off toward town with a bounce [spring] in his step.
- もっと元気よく歩け
- Walk with more pep./Walk more vigorously [briskly].
- 元気を失う
- become less energetic/〔意気消沈して〕become dispirited [depressed]
- 起き上がる元気もなかった
- I was too downhearted even to get up.
- どうした,元気がないね
- What's the matter? You look dispirited [《口》 blue].
- 2〔健康なこと〕health
元気な healthy
- 「お元気ですか」「おかげ様で元気です」
- “How are you? ”“I'm fine, thank you.”
- いたって元気です
- I am in the best of health.
- お元気で安心しました
- I am very happy to find you so well.
- お元気で!
- Good luck (to you)!/Take care of yourself.
- 母は元気に暮らしております
- My mother is getting along very well.