1. 1〔直径〕a diameter
    • 大口径レンズ
    • a lens of large diameter [aperture]
  1. 2〔銃砲の〕a caliber,《英》 a calibre
    • 38口径の拳銃
    • a 38-caliber revolver
  1. 〔見えるもの〕a sight;〔景色〕a scene;〔眺め〕a view;〔見もの〕a spectacle
    • 衝突事故の現場は惨憺さんたんたる光景を呈していた
    • The scene of the collision 「presented a harrowing spectacle [was a horrible sight].
    • マンションの階上からはすばらしい光景が見られる
    • There is a splendid view from the upper floors of this apartment building.
  1. succession
  1. 後継者a successor ((to));〔相続人〕〔男〕an heir,〔女〕an heiress
    • 息子が会長の後継者になった
    • He succeeded his father as chairman of the board.
    • だれがあなたの後継者になるのですか
    • Who will 「succeed to your post [take over your position]?
    • 多くの農家は後継者不足に悩んでいる
    • Many farmers are suffering from a lack of successors [(young) people to take over after them].
  1. 後継内閣the new [incoming] cabinet; the succeeding government

