1. moss;〔地衣類〕lichen [láikən];〔舌の〕fur

    こけの mossy; lichened

    • もうせんごけ
    • dew grass
    • 杉ごけ
    • hair moss
    • 水ごけ
    • bog moss
    • ぜにごけ
    • liverwort
    • こけむす庭
    • a moss-covered garden/a garden overgrown with moss
    • こけのついた古木
    • the lichened trunk of an old tree/an old tree trunk covered with lichen
    • 舌にこけが生えた
    • My tongue is furred./I have a furred tongue.
  1. 1〔仏教で,真実でないこと〕an untruth
  1. 2〔愚かなこと〕foolishness, stupidity;〔人〕a fool, an idiot
    • こけも一心
    • If he puts his mind to it, even a fool can succeed.
    • よくも俺をこけにしてくれたな
    • Are you happy now that you've made a fool out of me?
  1. 虚仮威し虚仮威し

