1. the ancients; men of old
    • 古人の言によれば
    • as the ancients used to say/according to an old saying/as an old saying has it
  1. the deceased; the departed;〔亡くなった人たち〕the dead(▼複数の故人をさす)
    • 故人の遺族
    • the family of 「the deceased [the dead person]/the bereaved family
    • 故人となられたスミス氏
    • the late Mr. Smith
    • 佐藤氏はすでに故人となられた
    • Mr. Sato has died [passed away].
  1. an individual

    個人的な(に) 〔個人の〕individual(ly);〔個人に関する〕personal(ly);〔私的な〕private(ly)

    • 個人の尊厳[自由]
    • personal [individual] dignity [freedom]
    • その仕事に私は個人の資格で参加した
    • I participated in the work in a private capacity.
    • 個人としては私はこの政策は好かない
    • Personally [For myself], I do not like this policy.
    • 私個人の意見では
    • in my personal view
    • 個人専用のロッカー
    • a locker for personal use
    • 個人蔵の稀覯本
    • a privately owned rare book/a rare book from a private collection
    • 個人用の電話
    • a private telephone
    • 個人的な趣味の問題だ
    • It's a matter of individual taste.
    • その会社とは個人的な関係は何もない
    • I have no personal connection with the firm.
    • それは個人的な問題だ
    • That is 「a private affair [a personal matter].
    • あの方は個人的には知りません
    • I do not know him personally.
  1. 個人企業proprietorship
    • フランス語の個人教授を受ける[する]
    • take [give] private lessons in French
    • 個人経営の会社
    • a firm under private management
  1. 個人献金an individual contribution; donations by private individuals
  1. 個人攻撃personal remarks
    • 体力の個人差
    • the difference in physical strength among individuals
  1. 個人主義individualism
  2. 個人主義個人主義の individualistic
  1. 個人主義者an individualist
  1. 個人種目〔競技の〕an individual event
  1. 個人消息欄personals;〔新聞の〕a personal column
  1. 個人消費personal [private] consumption; personal spending
  1. 個人消費支出personal consumption expenditure; private [personal] consumer spending
  1. 個人情報personal [private] information [data]
    • 学生の個人情報の取り扱いには注意してください
    • Please be careful when handling personal [confidential] information about students.
  1. 個人情報保護法the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
  1. 個人所得(one's) personal [individual] income
  1. 個人崇拝a personality cult; a cult of personality
  1. 個人戦an individual match
  1. 個人総合競技〔体操の〕individual combined exercises
  1. 個人タクシーan owner-driver taxi [cab];〔その運転手〕a self-employed taxi driver
  1. 個人年金a personal pension
  1. 個人年金制度a private pension plan
  1. 個人票individual [unorganized] votes
  1. 個人プレー〔スポーツで〕(a) selfish play, putting oneself before the team;〔一般に,勝手な行動〕selfish behavior
  1. 個人優勝〔競技の〕 ((win)) the championship in an individual event
  1. 個人輸入individual import ((of))
  1. 個人旅行traveling on one's own
    • individual
    • [参考]「個人情報 (personal information)」のように形容詞的に用いられることが多い。

