1. family registration;〔戸籍簿〕a family register(▼英語圏には戸籍制度はない)
    • 戸籍に入れる[から抜く]
    • have a person's name 「entered in [deleted from] the family register
    • 彼女は戸籍では次女となっている
    • She is registered as the second daughter.
  1. 戸籍係a registrar (in charge of family records)
  1. 戸籍抄本a copy of that portion of the family register which relates to ((a person))
  1. 戸籍謄本a copy of a person's family register
  1. 戸籍筆頭人the head of a family (on the family register)
  1. 戸籍法the Family Registration Law
  1. 戸籍名one's registered name(▼既婚女性が職場などで旧姓を用いる「通称名」はmaiden name)
  1. a historic place ⇒しせき(史跡)

