1. 《口》 a knack; an art;《口》 the hang
    • 彼は赤ん坊をあやすこつを知っている
    • He knows the knack of 「playing with [amusing] a baby.
    • それにはこつがある
    • There is a knack [trick] to it.
    • こつさえ覚えれば簡単ですよ
    • It's easy once you get the hang of it.
    • 彼はセールスのこつを覚えるのにかなりかかった
    • It took him a long time to learn the art of salesmanship.
  1. 1〔骨〕a bone
  1. 2〔遺骨〕ashes; remains
    • お骨を拾う
    • gather a person's ashes
  1. 骨壺つぼan urn; a cinerary urn
  1. 骨密度((measure a person's)) bone density
    • 骨密度が低いですね
    • Your bone density is lower than that of a typical individual of your age and sex.

