1. the five sensory organs; the five organs of sense
  1. the five senses

    互換する interchange

    • この機械の部品は互換がききます
    • The parts of these machines are interchangeable.
  1. 互換機a compatible PC
  1. 互換性interchangeability; compatibility
    • このソフトは私のコンピュータと互換性がない
    • This software isn't compatible with my computer.
  1. 〔語構成要素〕a stem
  1. 〔ニュアンス〕the nuance of a word;〔言葉に対する感覚〕 ((have)) a keen sense of language
    • 彼女は語感が鋭い[鈍い]
    • She can [cannot] distinguish delicate [fine] shades of meaning.

