1. a Noh dance performed in formal attire instead of a costume and without instrumental accompaniment
  1. 〔最後〕an end; a finish; a close

    仕舞いに 〔ついに〕in the end, finally;〔論説などで,最後に〕lastly;〔終りに臨んで〕in conclusion ⇒おしまい(御仕舞い)おわり(終わり)

    • 彼は仕舞いまで意識を失わなかった
    • 「He never lost consciousness [He was conscious] to the end.
    • 仕舞いに子供は泣き出した
    • In the end the child began to weep.
    • 行列の仕舞いにサンバダンサーたちが来た
    • The samba dancers brought up the rear of the procession.
    • 今日の勉強はこれで仕舞いにしよう
    • 「Let's stop here [That's all] for today.
  1. sisters
  1. 姉妹校a sister school
  1. 姉妹船a sister ship
  1. 姉妹都市a sister city,《英》 a twin city [town]
  1. 姉妹編a companion volume ((to))

