- I〔神〕the Lord
- 主イエスキリスト
- Jesus Christ, Our Lord
- II
- 1〔主眼〕the first concern [consideration]
主たる principal; chief; main
- 主たる目的
- the main [principal] objective
- 彼らの目的は金もうけが主であった
- Their primary goal was to make money.
- この小説は主として人種問題を扱っている
- The chief [main] concern of this novel is racial prejudice./The novel deals principally [mainly] with racial prejudice.
- 今回は耐久性のテストを主とする
- The test this time is primarily one of endurance.
- 2〔大部分〕
- 会員は主として学生であった
- Most of the members were students./The members were mostly students.
- 3〔中心的な存在〕
- 誰が主になってその計画をすすめたのか
- Who took the initiative [lead] in carrying out the plan?