1. municipal ownership

    市有の municipal; city-owned

  1. 市有地city land
  1. private possession

    私有の privately owned; private

  1. 私有財産private property
  1. 私有財産制度the private ownership system
  1. 私有地private land
  1. 私有物one's private possession
  1. I〔雄と雌〕male and female; sex; gender
    • 雌雄を鑑別する
    • determine the sex ((of chickens))
    • 雌雄両器ある
    • hermaphroditic [həːrmæ`frədítik]
    • 雌雄両花ある
    • androgynous
  1. II〔勝敗〕
    • 両国はかつて雌雄を争っていた
    • The two nations once 「struggled for supremacy [fought for superiority].
    • 両軍はこの戦で雌雄を決しようとしていた
    • The two armies were ready to 「fight to the finish [fight a decisive battle].
  1. 雌雄鑑別師a (chicken) sexer
  1. 雌雄異株dioecism [daiíːsizm]
  1. 雌雄異体〔動物の〕dioecism; gonochorism [ɡὰnəkɔ́ːrizəm|ɡɔ̀n-]
  1. 雌雄同株monoecism
  2. 雌雄同株雌雄同株の mon(o)ecious
  1. 雌雄淘汰とうたsexual selection
  1. 雌雄同体〔動物の〕hermaphroditism
    • 雌雄同体の花
    • a hermaphrodite flower

