• 彼は次点で落選した
    • He finished [came in] next after the successful candidate(s).
    • わずか50票の差で次点になった
    • Only fifty votes behind, he ended up as runner-up./He lost by only fifty votes.
  1. 次点者〔選挙で〕the top losing candidate;〔競技などで〕the runner-up ((複 runners-up));the second-place finisher
    • 当選者のひとりが買収で逮捕され次点者が繰り上げ当選となった
    • As one of the winning candidates was arrested for vote buying, the runner-up was awarded the election.
  1. rotation
    • 地球は自転する
    • The earth rotates [revolves].
  1. an encyclop(a)edia
  1. a point in time
    • あの時点では真実だと想定するほかなかった
    • At that point there was nothing for it but to assume it was true.
    • 2月10日[午後5時]の時点で捜索を打ち切った
    • We stopped the search 「as of February 10 [at five p.m.].
  1. じしょ(辞書)
    • 人名[地名]辞典
    • a biographical [geographical] dictionary
    • 国語辞典
    • a Japanese dictionary

