1. crudity; crudeness

    生硬な crude

    • 彼は生硬な文章を書く
    • His writing 「is unpolished [lacks style].
  1. 1〔事を成し遂げること〕(a) success

    成功する succeed ((in));be successful ((in))

    • 彼はその計画に成功した[しなかった]
    • He succeeded [failed] in the attempt.
    • その企ては大[不]成功だった
    • The attempt was a 「great success [failure]./The attempt was 「very successful [unsuccessful].
    • 公演は大成功だった
    • The performance 「was a great hit [went off very well].
    • ヨットによる世界一周は画期的成功を収めた
    • His cruise around the world by yacht was crowned with epoch-making success.
    • ご成功を祈る
    • I wish you success.
    • 最終試験は簡単に成功した
    • I easily passed [《口》 made it in] the final exam.
    • 今度は成功したぞ
    • This time I made [did] it!
  1. 2〔出世すること〕
    • 彼は学者として成功した
    • He 「was a success [succeeded] as a scholar.
    • 同窓会には成功した者だけが来た
    • Only those who had made a success of their lives came to the alumni [〔女性〕alumnae] meeting.
  1. 成功者a success
  1. 成功談[物語]a success story
  1. 成功報酬a contingency fee
  1. (sexual) intercourse, sex;〔医学用語〕coitus;〔私通〕fornication

    性交する have sexual intercourse, have sex [intercourse] ((with));have coitus(▼医学的表現);《口》 make love ((to, with));sleep ((with)) (▼婉曲表現)

  1. 性交不能impotence
  2. 性交不能性交不能の impotent
  1. one's disposition
  1. one's character [disposition] and conduct
  1. a political program,《英》 a political programme; a (political) platform;〔党の〕a party program [platform]

    精巧な 〔念入りに仕上げた〕elaborate;〔優美に洗練された〕exquisite

    • これは精巧な出来栄えだ
    • This is of exquisite [elaborate] workmanship.
    • 精巧な機械
    • a sophisticated [delicate] machine
  1. steel manufacture; steelmaking
  1. 製鋼業the steel industry
  1. 製鋼所a steelworks; a steel mill

