1. 1〔公正〕正当な just; fair
    • この金は正当な手段で得たものだ
    • I got this money by fair means.
  1. 2〔妥当,当然〕正当な proper;〔道理にかなった〕reasonable;〔適法の〕legitimate
    • 正当な手続きを取る
    • go through the proper channels
    • 正当な要求
    • a reasonable [legitimate] demand
    • 彼は正当な理由もなく欠席した
    • He was absent without a good reason.
  1. 正当化justification
  2. 正当化正当化する justify
  1. 正当防衛(lawful) self-defense
  1. せいかい(正解)
    • 問題の正答を出す
    • get the correct answer (to a question)
  1. 正答率a percentage of correct answers
    • 正答率は60パーセントだった
    • Sixty percent of them got the correct answer.
  1. 1〔正当な血筋〕legitimacy

    正統の legitimate

    • 王の正統の嫡出子
    • the king's legitimate son
  1. 2〔標準とされるもの〕orthodoxy
    • 彼の書道は行成こうぜいの正統の流れをくむものだった
    • His calligraphy belonged to the orthodox Kozei school.
  1. 正統派an orthodox school
  1. a political party
    • 新しい政党を結成する
    • form a new political party
    • 保守[革新]政党
    • a conservative [progressive] party
  1. 政党員a member of a political party;〔総称〕the membership of a political party
  1. 政党交付金government subsidies for political parties
  1. 政党助成(金)public funding for political parties
  1. 政党助成法the Political Party Grant Law
  1. 政党政治party politics
  1. 政党内閣a party cabinet
  1. 〔日本の主な政党〕
    the Liberal Democratic Party ((略 LDP))
    the Democratic Party of Japan ((略 DPJ))
    New Komeito
    the Japanese Communist Party ((略 JCP))
    the Social Democratic Party ((略 SDP))
    Kokumin Shinto; the People's New Party
    Your Party
  1. sugar refining;〔精製した砂糖〕refined sugar
  1. 精糖業the sugar refining industry
  1. 精糖所a sugar refinery
  1. sugar manufacturing
  1. 製糖会社a sugar (manufacturing) company
  1. 製糖業the sugar industry; sugar manufacturing
  1. porcelain [pottery, earthenware] manufacture
  1. 製陶業the porcelain [pottery] industry; the pottery manufacturing industry
  1. 製陶術ceramics
  1. 製陶所a pottery
  1. 製陶法a method [technique] of making pottery
  1. (中国) ⇒チンタオ

