1. the West, the Occident;〔西洋諸国〕Western countries

    西洋の Western; Occidental

  1. 西洋化westernization; Europeanization
  2. 西洋化西洋化する become westernized
  1. 西洋画Western [European] painting
  1. 西洋菓子a cake
  1. 西洋人an Occidental; a Westerner
  1. 西洋風Western [European](-style)
  1. 西洋料理Western [European] cooking [cuisine]
  1. (a) rest;〔病後の〕recuperation (after an illness)

    静養する take a rest

    • 3か月静養が必要です
    • You need three months of quiet rest.
    • 彼は病後の自宅静養中である
    • He is resting [convalescing] at home after his illness.
    • 箱根に静養に行った
    • He went to Hakone 「for his health [to recuperate].

