1. a specialized studies course
    • デザイン専科
    • the (professional) design course
  1. the fires [flames] of war;〔戦争〕war
    • 隣国と戦火を交えた
    • They 「went to war [fought a war] against a neighboring country.
  1. military gains
    • 我が軍は赫赫かくかくたる戦果を収めた
    • Our troops made brilliant [remarkable] military gains.
  1. war damage
    • 町はひどい戦禍を被った
    • The town was severely damaged in the war.
    • 我々は戦禍を身を以て経験した
    • We learned the horrors of war firsthand.
  1. 〔農業で〕選果する sort fruit
  1. an optional [《米》 elective] course [subject]
  1. 選科生a non-regular student;《米》 a special student
  1. 〔選ぶこと〕the selection of poems;〔選ばれた歌〕a poem selected (in a contest)

