1. the head; the front
    • 列の先頭は誰だ
    • Who's at the head [front] of the line?
    • 先頭の5人は座ってよろしい
    • The first five persons may sit down.
    • 行列の先頭が乱れた
    • The head [front] of the procession fell into confusion [disorder].
    • 競走で先頭に立った
    • He took the lead in the race.
    • 先頭に立つ人は責任感が必要だ
    • A leader must have a sense of responsibility.
  1. a steeple;〔小尖塔〕a pinnacle
  1. a battle(▼主に大規模な戦闘);a fight ((against, with));〔戦闘行為〕combat

    戦闘する fight

    戦闘的 aggressive; militant

    • 戦闘を開始する
    • commence hostilities/go into battle
    • 戦闘を中止する
    • suspend hostilities/break off a battle
    • 戦闘に参加する
    • see action [combat]/take part in 「a battle [an action]
  1. 戦闘員a combatant
  1. 戦闘機a fighter; a combat plane
  1. 戦闘状態a state of war
    • 両国は戦闘状態にある
    • A state of war exists between the two countries./The two countries are at war (with each other).
    • 両国は戦闘状態に入った
    • The two countries went to war (with each other.)
  1. 戦闘隊形(a) battle formation
  1. 戦闘服(a) combat uniform
  1. 戦闘部隊fighting forces [troops]
  1. 戦闘力fighting [combat] power
  1. ((go to)) a public bath
    A sento is a public bathhouse, which in the past served as a gathering place for the community as well as an essential facility for personal hygiene. Back then, few residential buildings had baths or showers, but every neighborhood had at least one sento. Since the era of rapid economic growth (1955-73), bathrooms have become standard in Japanese residences and the number of sento has been declining. Modern day sento often are equipped with sauna, healthcare equipment and other add-ons to attract customers and keep the business alive.

