1. goodness
    • 善と悪をはっきり区別する
    • make a clear distinction between 「right and wrong [good and evil]
    • 善は急げ
    • Never hesitate to do good./Make haste to do what is right.
  1. Zen (Buddhism)
    • 禅を実践する
    • practice Zen
  1. 禅僧a Zen priest
  1. 禅道場a Zen Buddhist seminary
  1. 禅問答a Zen dialogue; a question-and-answer exchange between Zen priests and their followers;〔難解なやりとり〕「an incomprehensible [a cryptic] exchange
  1. 1〔食物を載せる台〕a low dining table; a tray with legs
  1. 2〔台に載せた料理〕a meal set on a tray
    • 膳を運ぶ
    • bring out a dinner on a tray
    • 全員膳に着いた
    • Everyone sat down to the meal.
    • 膳を調えた
    • They have prepared a meal./They have set [laid] the table.
    • 客に膳を出す
    • serve a meal to a guest
    • 家では焼き魚が膳に載ることが多い
    • We often have grilled fish.
    • 彼女はいかにも淑女然と振る舞う
    • She behaves like a true lady.
    • 彼は芸術家然としている
    • He has the air of a true artist about him.
    • ご飯1膳
    • a bowl of rice
    • はし1膳
    • a pair of chopsticks

